Birthday - 10 Years Blenheim Gallery
A birthday should never be missed! We are very pleased to announce that Blenheim Gallery and Garden has now been open to the public for 10 years at Longford.
With the development of the exhibition space, sculpture park and surrounding gardens it has been a journey and now everything is more mature, settled in its environment. Visitors are from far and wide and we enjoy the pleasure of meeting them all.
The future is to be celebrated with our wonderful exhibiting artists whether they are painters, printmakers, sculptors or decorative arts makers. Their artistic work and terrific exhibitions have and will produce memorable and exciting experiences as well as producing significant bodies of work.
We have celebrated Blenheim Gallery’s 10th anniversary Saturday 3 August last Saturday with the opening of Director’s Choice exhibition.
The show now continues until 26 August so do come and enjoy this lovely selection of works on display. Gene McLaren’s sculptures in the sculpture garden with Paul Brunyee and Anita Denholm included as well.
Catalogue here Director’s Choice