Paul Bishop
Paul Bishop has recently returned to Launceston Tasmania.
A time of change and readjustment as an artist and former teacher, returning to Launceston from Melbourne, to live in my much bigger house after an absence of eight years.
There’s a new working space to establish and a forthcoming exhibition to make ready. What seems like an endless stream of boxes to unpack, full of books and artworks I’ve not seen for years. Finally giving pictures a home on a wall.
A big garden to absorb. Loved ones to catch up with, acquaintances to renew and old but familiar places to revisit and see afresh.
So how will this all settle! How will this manifest in my painting as I expand into that new working space and lift the size of my pictures? I have few clues on how my paintings will look. I can only offer a statement that mirrors my zeal in keeping the picture-making process as open and fluid as possible.